Thursday, August 23, 2012

Truthfully, Loving Our Lives.

How could we be so blessed?

We wake up every morning between five and six a.m., at that time we get ready for the day. Following showers and breakfast, we pray and read the Word. All throughout the morning we exchange hugs, kisses and sweet words. The mornings are sweet. As eight thirty rolls in, we make our way to the office for coffee. Callum makes sure to get a nice big cup of the strongest coffee available & depending on how I am feeling, I get the same as him. Once coffee is in the system, we head out to find Billy. Billy is the housekeeping director here at Camp Baldwin; something that you all should know about Billy is that he is not only in charge of housekeeping duties, but he manages and serves in every way that the camp needs him. On any given day he could be cleaning out the dorm rooms, setting up motel rooms, cleaning sheets, lifting heavy furniture, finding a way to carry loads of camp tools back and forth on the camp, or even managing a team to make camp life happen; Billy is a good guy, we are glad to be friends with him. Billy usually assigns us to a pretty intense assignment. From eight thirty until twelve, we work out in the heat doing anything/everything that needs to be done. We take a lunch break from twelve to one. For lunch, Callum & I go to the old dining hall (a small kitchen that was previously used a lot more at the camp, but here lately just Callum and I use). Our appetite is satisfied with rice & beans or pasta & marinara, and sometimes quesadillas. If you do not already know this, we are REALLY simple eaters. Thankfully, Callum is super easy to please when it comes to lunch. Goodness, we are blessed. After lunch, we go back to work. From one to five, sometimes we get off earlier, we are hard at work. The work here is hard, but rewarding. Some days are much harder than other days, and for that I am thankful. Having hard days makes the rest days so much more enjoyable. When work is over, dinner follows shortly after. Our dinners are pretty simple for the most part, unless we go out (even then, we are simple eaters). Being down here is such a blessing. We work hard, yeah. But, we are finally able to be alone and out of the way. Every day when work is over, we are not expected to do anything... all we are required to do is love God and rest! Wow, how could we be so blessed? Thankfully, we are even able to go down and enjoy the pier right outside our room. The sunsets are beautiful and the Bay is a kind reflection of God. Our experience here is outstanding; we are so blessed to be here.

We are enjoying volunteering at Camp Baldwin. Honestly, it is the best decision we could have made and God is blessing us for following Him (even though others were telling us to do otherwise). There is something really peaceful and special about giving our time and energy to the people here. They never take from us, but instead do the opposite. Instead of expecting us to do everything for them, they realize we are to work as a team. This place is very special; the team here is more than we could have ever asked for. Thank You, God.

Recently, I have been training at Little Monkey Toes in Gulf Shores. Last year, I was working at the Bell Air store; now, I am going to be spending some time working at the boutique down here. It has been a learning experience. The days that I have off at the camp will be spent at the store, for the most part. God is good to provide for us while we are here. It is more obvious every day that I am alive that God has plans to provide for my needs. There is never a time when it seems God is not providing; God always proves Himself to be the great provider. We trust God to provide for us, especially when people tell us not to. God is good and He NEVER FAILS! God's Word promises that God will provide for those who diligently seek Him, so we keep diligently seeking Him & He keeps providing. Hallelujah! We love our God.

We have been going through a lot these past few weeks. Nothing has been too hard for us to handle, really. God has given us the strength each day to press in and pray. As we pray, our trust in God grows. Our trust in people decreases. There are many people who do not understand the decisions that we have made these last couple of weeks. Many people have said hurtful things and even dishonored Callum & I. They say and do things that they have no idea are corrupt and untrue. Fortunately, God continues to remind us not to take too many things too seriously. When others throw hurtful words and sayings around, we know to look to the kind and steadfast voice of God. Goodness, our God is good. The voice of Jesus is so peaceful and true. As children of God, we are learning to daily test the voices around us and trust only the voice of God. He is so good to allow us to discern what comments are from Him and what are not. Pray that we would rely on the voice of God and brush off our feet every time that others try and guilt us into trusting their lies.

On Wednesday we were able to visit a church down here called Abiding Love Fellowship. Our dear friend, Rusty Davidson, mentioned that we needed to come to his church and receive healing from any hurts that we had picked up over the last year. You see, Rusty has known me since summer 2010 when I worked at the camp; he knows that Holy Spirit is my best friend and that my faith is rooted in the truth of God. Seeing me desperate for God's touch, he was thrilled to invite us to join his congregation. Finally, we made it Wednesday. When we first got there, the church opened up in worship. Before they ever started singing, they had a slide show going. Everyone was standing. The slide show contained words that reminded the church of the God that we serve; the words were humbling and truthful. All of the people cheered, clapped and called out to God with a voice of thanksgiving. It was beautiful. Then we sang a few songs, including Happy Day. It was amazing. Worship was free!!! Everyone was free. There was not a single person in the building standing still reading words off a screen, but instead there was freedom and true worship. The people sang with joyful hearts. Hallelujah. When the preacher spoke, he delivered a message about sowing and reaping the Word of God. His words were simple, but true. God is good; God has blessed us so much. The service was exactly what we needed. God is good to remind his people of His truth. Rusty was right to invite us to his church. We are so thankful and will worship with them again.

Everything is awesome around here! Thank you to all who pray for us! We have recently sent out personal prayer letters. If you feel led to pray for us and would like a letter, please send us your mailing address and we will get a letter in the mail asap! We love you all and pray that you are drawn closer to God's heart.

<3 The Reece family

Being With My Man Fills Me With Joy

This Was Supposed To Be Of Us

More Successful Picture Of Us

Callum Man Being A Cutie As Always, Yeah He's Mine

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